

Meditation: Beginners guide, Benefits, Side-effects, and More

What is Meditation

Meditation is an activity in which a person uses techniques like concentration or mindfulness to practice attention and stay aware, it is done to become emotionally and mentally stable.

The steps for meditation (beginners)

  1. Take a comfortable position(sit or lie down). If you are a big meditation fan, purchasing a meditation chair or cushion will not be bad.
  2. Shut your eyes.
  3. Don’t try to control your breathing (no extra effort).
  4. Focus on natural breathing.
  5. Concentrate on your breathing pattern and movement of your body with every breathe you take.

Can you title the problem of sleeping while meditation as “OK”?

If you sleep in between your meditation then do not worry, it is a natural and pretty obvious thing, but it gets frustrating when it starts to happen regularly.

To stay awake during your entire meditation round is not as tough as you think and can be practiced easily. You can easily find plenty of solutions that are quite easy, some of those easy ways to stay awake during your entire meditation session are –

  • Be consistent
  • Adapt your space — or move it
  • Manage stress
  • Open your eyes
  • Check your posture.
  • walk around
  • Join other people
  • Brighten the space

What happens to your body while meditating

The soothing capacity of repetition is the main idea of meditation. When you continuously focus on your breathing pattern, neglecting all those perpetual thoughts, and chant a particular mantra, your body builds a biological reaction towards relaxation.

Our body relaxes and works better, and if any mental condition is due to stress, anxiety, or any other thing.

The effects of meditation help control blood pressure, give a balanced metabolism, make the working of your heart efficient, and helps in giving a good and healthy sleep.

Once you become a regular performer of meditation, positive results like a calm mind, relaxed senses, and in intense cases sense of euphoria is experienced by you, it helps in emotional and well as physical hormonal balance.

Are music and meditation a perfect couple

Staying emotionally stable is the need of the hour nowadays. You lack the sense of dealing as well as reacting to problems if you are not well balanced both physically as well as emotionally, a well-balanced mind is a result of a calm body and relaxed soul.

Enjoying music along with your mediation helps you in achieving stability. It has often been said that people who meditate while listening to music undisturbed can balance all areas of their lives. They work out their problems in a better way.

They have better control over their relationships and deal with issues more easily as compared to a non – meditating person.

Benefits of Meditation 

When you meditate every day, you may reduce your overall anxiety, as meditation is likely to disrupt the connection between anxiety and distress. It helps you in neglecting the negativity and stressful situations of your life and contributes to positivity.


  1. Having a changed mindset towards stress and undesirable situations
  2. Reduces Anger
  3. Developing stress managing abilities.
  4. Boosting self-awareness
  5. Helps in concentrating on present
  6. Decreases negativity
  7. Increasing imagination and creativity
  8. Adds us to tolerance and patience
  9. Reduced Stress
  10. Emotional Balance
  11.  Increased Focus
  12. Reduced Pain
  13. Reduced Anxiety
  14. Increased Creativity
  15. Reduced Depression
  16. Increased Memory

How long to meditate?

Take small steps like beginning with 3-5 minutes will be fair enough.

Do not make a limited timetable for doing mediation, try to expand your schedule daily as it can prove to be beneficial if done regularly for a good period. As meditation makes you self-aware and helps you in distinguishing between the goods and bad’s of your life.

You will eventually get a feeling from inside to stop the meditation when you feel drowsy versus when you’re really “satisfied”. Leave the meditating experience to become your guide

When a person becomes a regular practitioner of meditation(2 or more months), then our brain starts undergoing some new activities, So to find out the exact activity that our brain undergoes, a study was done by Harvard University Researchers, Sixteen participants took part in this meditation program that was carried out for a time interval of 27 minutes every day for eight weeks.

After completion of 2months, the researchers found that parts of the brain related to activities like self-awareness, memory, emotional stability, learning, etc. were increased in volume. These results were astonishing and concluded that even a few minutes of meditation can add up to huge improvements in your brain.

Are there any side effects of meditation?

Psychologists who have studied meditation have investigated the question of adverse effects, there are situations when you will not feel satisfied even after meditating and it is normal, However, people suffering from psychological issues are not advised to perform meditation. We can not title it as dangerous, but you will surely have no benefits from meditation. If not, pushing yourself is not considered an ideal plan.


For ages, meditations are continuously proven to be beneficial both in physical as well as emotional and mental aspects, so try to indulge in the same regularly.

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