
Stress Management

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stress management

“Stress, stress management, depression, tension, etc” are some of the words we listen to in our daily life. In modern life, we feel tension, much more than ever. You turn on the laptop, look at your bank statement, and see that you have run out of money; or just when you go to the mall and have to queue for the next half hour. Stress is a thing all of us humans are afflicted by day after day. It may begin in the early years as a child through adulthood. So, stress management is one of the things every one of us should know. 

To avoid helplessness in the face of stress, you must learn to recognize the relevant stressors in a situation and fight back. You must continually improve your defense against stress.

Before going into details, we recommend that you follow the following general rules:

  • Pay close attention to your sleep, eating habits, time spent in recreation, and active sports. Sleep must be sufficiently relaxed and prolonged. It is relaxed when you go to bed at night thinking about something pleasant, and not about tasks that you have not been able to do during the day. It is good to do proper physical exercises that relieve stress.


  • Dinner should be light, without a lot of salt, sugar, fat, strong spices, and alcohol. Remember that diet is important to avoid stress. Excessive coffee consumption and smoking can seriously affect the quality of your sleep.


  • Vitamin C and B and magnesium (wheat germ, cashews, flour, buckwheat, beans, garlic, raisins, peas, etc.) increase resistance to stress and help your body recover easily. Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids like mackerel, tuna, salmon, flaxseed, and sunflower seeds can easily help you overcome a bad mood.

First of all, let’s understand what stress is –

Any type of change causing physical, emotional, or another type of tension is called stress. It can also be described ad the body’s reaction to an unusual situation.

Some of the simplest causes of Stress, reported by people during surveys are:

  1. Lack of finances

Not having money to meet your basic personal needs or the needs of your family is stressful, money is not the only source of stress. Rather, people are more interested in their survival.

  1. Work

Meeting strict deadlines, arguing with colleagues or your boss are not the most enjoyable activities in the world and cause abnormal stress at work. Other sources of stress at work can be overtime (especially on weekends), little or no rest, the pressure to meet overestimated quality goals …

Working too much without rest or sleep can result in excess fatigue. An overloaded muscle can work a little more; however, our brains cannot function without getting enough sleep.

Stress comes from the inability to cope with our duties, from mistakes made, and from the need to redo work already done. Stress can also come from the inability to trust one’s work due to possible big mistakes, that have not yet been identified.

Keeping your job and your salary is closely related to the fear of death and the fear of not being alone.

  1. Family

Family squabbles may be taking their toll, however, the underlying reason, here again, is fear of death if we are talking about problems with our children (we live what we believe: the loss of a child equates to their death to some extent); and the fear of being alone when it comes to problems with an older family member.

Stress can also come from the inability to be at home for a long period, resulting in the inability to see close relatives such as a spouse, children, parents.

  1. Travel

Constant travel involves frequent changes in physical conditions, such as humidity, temperature, altitude, weather. Acclimatization requires setting a new rhythm for your body, which can consume a lot of energy and be stressful.

  1. Too much money

Having too much money is not as nice as it sounds. Maintaining wealth for the long term takes a lot of work and is extremely exhausting. Associated fears are the fear of loss of assets, the fear of being defeated, or the fear of being laughed at.

Sure the list can be longer, but it makes no sense to list the score of causes of stress that will always be related to the same source: FEARS caused by the endless changes in our life.

The key to managing stress effectively



Managing stress is not everyone’s cup of tea. The steps outlined above may seem simple and provide an easy fix, but don’t underestimate the severity of the problem.

Stress is intrinsic to the life we ​​live and accumulates if it is not relieved. It can have devastating effects on our health if not addressed in time.

Why is it so difficult to relieve it? Stress is caused by the way living organisms react to change. Since our world is created in a way that the only constant in it is changing, you can easily see that we are doomed to experience stress in our day-to-day lives. The difficulty in alleviating it comes from the fact that it constantly builds up over and over again.

Stop here and pay special attention to what you have just read. The steps are not complicated. The key is to incorporate them into your daily routine in response to stressors, which are already part of your daily routine. This will interrupt the cumulative effect.

stopPlease stop here and pay specific attention to what you have just read. The steps are not complicated. The key is to make them part of your daily routines as a response to the stressors, which are already part of your daily round. This way the accumulating effect will be interrupted.

The Strategy: Stress Management

There are so many sources on the net that address the problem of stress management. Unfortunately, most of them treat only the effects that stress has already caused us: headaches, back pain, stomach pain, constipation, anger … the recommended therapies relieve them only for a short period until you are again in a position to go crazy just from the bubbling gum of the teenager next to him.

This is not the point. This is reactive behavior; we have the negative effects that stress has caused and only then do we try to relieve the pain.

The strategy is designed to address the root causes of stress and thus eliminate the negative effects of stress in its embryonic stage. It encourages you to act proactively, which will eventually result in long-term stress management.

Acting proactively means making steps part of our daily routine. This will ensure 100% effective protection against stressors.

Will it work for you?

The short answer is: Yes, it will. The only variable is time. How long it will take to make the secrets of stress management work for you depends primarily on how well you can relax. 

The paths to good relaxation are different. Some of them are short and steep, while others are long and steep.

Regardless of which one you choose; it always comes down to mental work. Calm your mind and bring back the forgotten unconscious programs for self-restoration.

What is the best way to relax?


The short answer is: The state of consistency

This is the half-asleep and half-awake state of mind. In this state, you can find the perfect balance where the resistance of your body to any external or internal force is minimal. This means that consistency is the best power-saving mode. The way that helps you relax and recover most effectively. It is the foundation of your stress management strategy as it helps you regain your energy.

Different ways of stress management:

How to deal with Stress immediately

Although it lasts a few minutes to half an hour, immediate stress relief is sometimes more urgent than a sip of air.

Immediate stress relief is usually short-lived, but since stress can always surprise us, it’s good to know some helpful secrets that give instant stress relief.

How to deal with long-term Stress

Many have tried to find an explicit answer on how to deal with stress effectively. Few have achieved any success, which in most cases has been short-lived.

Why is it so difficult to discover the secret way to relieve stress in a lasting way?

Usually, we fail in this crucial task for a healthy life mainly because we underestimate the seriousness of the problem and we don’t know how to deal with the root causes of stress.

Stress is not a disease, it is not caused by a virus or bacteria, and doctors cannot just prescribe an antibiotic and solve the problem.

Unlike antibiotics that cure infections, psychotropics do not cure chronic stress at the end of the day. In most cases, their curative effects cease once the patient stops taking them.

Stress comes from the way we interpret and react to the constant changes in life. Since those changes will never stop, the only option we have is to be more flexible and address them appropriately.

Some Stress Management strategies:

By playing games – There is nothing more exciting than relieving stress while having fun. How is this possible? – You would ask. Yes, it is, if you know, and play stress relieving games.

By forcing yourself to smile – When you smile, the muscles of the face relax and stimulate a part of the brain that makes us feel better and happier. The best part is that you can fake it! A fake smile has almost similar effects to a real smile.

With acupressure for relaxation – To reduce stress, use your thumb to press hard and repeatedly for 2 minutes on each of the following points. The point at the top of the palm on the skin that connects the thumb and forefinger. Do not use this point during pregnancy. The point on the top of the foot, between the thumb and the second toe, where the bones meet.

Through meditation – Many people unconsciously associate meditation with a sense of balance and peace. The calming effects of meditation can help you feel more distant from the causes of stress.

Through breathing exercises – When you are stressed, your body needs a lot of oxygen.

In case of stress, your breathing is fast and shallow using only the upper part of your lungs. In this way, you breathe ineffectively because rapid and shallow breathing does not provide you with the amounts of oxygen you need.

Breathing should be slow and deep, letting the diaphragm drop and filling all the lungs with air.

You must get used to a technique by which you can get the necessary oxygen when needed.

stress management


This was all about Stress, its management, and all other factors you should know about. Hope you liked the given information.

In case you need to know something else related to stress then feel free to ask in the comments.

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