
sleeping disorder

Sleeping Disorder and its link with Mental Health

Have you ever thought about why you are spinning and turning while in bed, scrolling through your social media, and incapable to get the right wink? Congratulations! You are not the only one. With the second wave of covid-19 distressing practically everybody you know, it’s not easy to fall asleep, and trust it or not, not having proper sleep can affect your mental health.

What are Sleep disorders?

Sleeping disorder can be related to an individual’s mental health, it itches in to create tension in our mental, social, emotional, and physical wellbeing like weight gain, loss of appetite, declined concentration, hormonal disorders among many others. It could likewise be related to an increased danger of heart illnesses, mental illnesses, and also the growth of Type 2 Diabetes in some cases. 

What are the types of sleep disorder?

  1. Insomnia.
  2. Narcolepsy.
  3. Sleep Apnea.
  4. Restless Leg Syndrome.

How sleep disorders can impact our mental health? 

Thinking about the emotional well-being angle, rest and mental prosperity are firmly associated. Researchers have discovered expanded indication of mental problems in patients having signs and manifestations of conditions like sleep deprivation,” they said.

“Dozing issues can be intensely caused because of an abrupt episode which has made them lose rest or can be ongoing where there is some injury, some hidden reason related which keeps them up and keeps them from having sound rest.”

How to enhance sleep?

While it can be easy to get melatonin(antioxidant) or have haldi doodh (turmeric milk) to get some sound sleep, it is so vital to have a good sleeping routine in place. 

Some tips to have a peaceful state of mind

Here are some tips on how you can hit the bag serenity: –

  • Disconnect
    Not using social media 30 minutes prior the bedtime stops your brain from having pointless things to think about, letting it be in a stress-free and peaceful state.
  • Maintain appreciation journal
    Writing down things that put a smile on your face in your whole day, helps in a long way by making you feel thankful, calm, and positive, and at the same time produces stress-busting hormones which improve the quality of your sleep/doze.
  • Monitor your diet
    Include fresh veggies in your nourishment helps not just in improving your immunity but also look after so many different things like your intuition and your complete well-being. Don’t consume sugar and caffeine two hours prior to your bedtime play a very important role in improving your quality of sleep.
  • Reach out and get help
    If you are facing difficulty in sleeping patterns or know someone who is facing troubles with their sleep, please consult a doctor and try to find help. If it’s troubling your thoughts, or you are getting reminded of some anxious incident or situation that’s causing you to lose sleep, consult a doctor or counselor.

Note it, losing your sleep over anything is not worthy, because if you are functioning well and positively, you can stand up with fresh thoughts, face the day and seize it.

Frequently Asked Question

Ques. How long should a normal person sleep?
Ans. Well, the length of your sleep depends on your age factor, so we filtered it according to your age

  • 3 to 5 years should sleep for 10 to 13 hours.
  • 6 to 13 years should sleep for 9 to 11 hours.
  • 14 to 17 years should sleep for 8-10 hours.
  • Adults should sleep for 7-9 hours.

Ques. What are some bedtime teas that can help us fall asleep?
There are many teas but some of the best and effective teas for improving your sleep are:

  1. Chamomile
  2. Valerian root
  3. Lavender
  4. Lemon balm
  5. Passionflower
  6. Magnolia bark

Ques. What are the side effects of sleeping so much?
We all love sleeping so much, but oversleeping will cost you some side effects also. Some of them are:

  1. Depression
  2. Cardiovascular problems
  3. Anxiety 

Ques. What are the side effects of not being able to sleep enough?
Side effects of not being able to sleep properly or basically insomnia are: 

  1. Heart diseases
  2. Obesity
  3. Depression
  4. Tiredness

Ques. What is the best time to sleep?
The best time someone should fall asleep is from 9 pm to 4 am.

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