
hyperthyroidism in girl

Hyperthyroidism: Symptoms, Treatment, Causes

Hyperthyroidism and Thyroid Gland

Before understanding hyperthyroidism, let us first understand the thyroid gland.

The thyroid gland is situated in front of the neck, below Adam’s apple. It has two lobes, the left lobe, and the right lobe. Both the lobes are joined through a small bridge of thyroid tissue called the isthmus.

The thyroid gland produces essential hormones which are necessary for your body’s functioning. If the thyroid does not work efficiently, then it will impact your entire body.

Hormones produced by the thyroid

 The thyroid releases two hormones-

  • Triiodothyronine (T3)
  • Thyroxine (T4)

It uses Iodine which is present in food to make these hormones. It even stores these thyroid hormones and releases them when required.

Importance of Thyroid gland

  • The thyroid gland controls metabolism.
  • Metabolism is the process of converting food into energy.
  • It controls how the body cells use energy from food.
  • Metabolism affects the body’s temperature, heartbeat, and how well the body burns calories.

Problems related to thyroid

  • If the thyroid gland does not work properly it can lead to hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism.
  • Either it can produce too many hormones or it can produce too few hormones.
  • When it produces too many hormones, a situation of the overactive thyroid is also called hyperthyroidism.
  • Or when it produces too few hormones, a situation of an underactive thyroid is also called hypothyroidism.

Now let us talk about hyperthyroidism

What is hyperthyroidism?

Hyperthyroidism is overactive thyroid, it occurs when your thyroid gland produces too many thyroid hormones. Hyperthyroidism can speed up the body’s metabolism, leading to weight loss and rapid or irregular heartbeat.

What are the symptoms of hyperthyroidism?

  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Nervousness, irritability
  • Sweating
  • Fatigue or muscle weakness
  • Thin hair

What causes hyperthyroidism?

  • The most common cause is an autoimmune disorder, antibodies produced by the immune system stimulate the thyroid to produce more T4.
  • Too much intake of iodine in your diet can stimulate the thyroid to produce more thyroid hormones.

Risks associated with it

  • Genetics
  • Sex (especially women are more prone to this)
  • Past illness of 1 diabetes, pernicious anemia

What is the treatment of hyperthyroidism?

It is a fact that hyperthyroidism does not go away on its own. It requires treatment.

  • One must concern a doctor, he/she will prescribe a medicine dose which is taken every day to control the hormone. 
  • A regular blood test must be done to check the level of hormones.
  • Permanent treatment can be radioactive iodine. But sometimes this permanent treatment can result in hypothyroidism (when the thyroid produces too few hormones).

There can be many other factors that can control hyperthyroidism.

Now let us talk about the yoga position to control hyperthyroidism

Yoga Positions to control hyperthyroidism

Yoga is beneficial for everything. It is beneficial to overall health. It can balance the body’s energy, flexibility, physique, and stress. There is a connection between stress and hyperthyroidism.

Keep in mind that yoga does not cure thyroid problems. Do not replace it completely with the medication. It just has a positive effect on improving thyroid function. Take proper medication and follow these postures for controlling the hormones.

Must discuss with your doctor before performing yoga.

Benefits or Uses

  • Improves circulation
  • Controls energy flow 
  • Stretches and strengthen the back
  • Releases stress

Things to keep in mind before performing the posture-

  • Do not go beyond the limit, every human body has its own limitations. 
  • Be gentle 
  • Perform easily 
  • You can even adjust and modify the poses according to your comfort.
  • You do not have to perform all the poses in one day.
  • Perform few postures in a day.
  • Must take care of your back and other bones.
  • Do not perform the posture if it can affect your body.
  • Try to perform it in front of a yoga expert so it can guide you and correct you.
  • Or you can perform with the help of youtube.

1) Supported Shoulder Stand


  • It treats the thyroid
  • It stimulates blood flow to the upper body glands
  • It has a positive effect on the thyroid gland


  • Use a mat or a towel.
  • Lie down on the mat in the supine position.
  • Press your back and arms for support on the mat.
  • Inhale, then lift your legs to ninety degrees.
  • Exhale slowly and bring your legs over your head.
  • Balance your feet in the air.
  • Keep your hand to your lower back to support your body.
  • Raise your legs straight towards the ceiling.
  • If possible, try to keep your spine, hips, and shoulders in one line.
  • Chin should be tucked into your chest when your neck is resting in one position.
  • Release the pose by releasing your legs back over your head.
  • Inhale and slowly roll your spine down and lift your legs to ninety degrees
  • Exhale while you lower your legs to the mat.


  • Be careful with your neck
  • Continue to practice this if you are not facing any discomfort.
  • Practice this in front of a person who has good knowledge about alignment.
  • It is not recommended to everyone due to the injury.

2) Plow pose


  • Same benefit as shoulder stand
  • It is easier.


  • Use a mat
  • Lie down in a supine position
  • For support, press your arms and back on the floor.
  • Inhale, lift your legs to ninety degrees.
  • Slowly exhale, then bring your legs over your head.
  • Keep your hands on your lower back to support your body.
  • You can place a box on anything if your legs do not reach the floor completely.
  • You can keep your hands on the hips if your legs do not reach the floor or the box.
  • If you are comfortable then bring your arms along with your body to interlace your fingers in front of the hips. 
  • You can also bring your arms overhead.
  • Now, bring your arms to the floor.
  • Slowly inhale and lift your legs and realign your spine along the floor.
  • Exhale and lower your legs to the floor.

3) Fish Pose


  • It is easy
  • It can be performed on your own.
  • When you let your head hang back, you stimulate the thyroid by exposing the throat.


  • Use a mat
  • Sit on the mat
  • Sit on the mat with your legs extended.
  • Place your hands underneath your buttocks
  • Your palms should face down and your fingers should face towards the toes.
  • Open your chest and draw both the elbows to each other.
  • Slowly lean back onto your elbows and forearms.
  • Again, open your chest completely and press it into your arms to stay lifted.
  • If comfortable, drop your head back.
  • Now slowly release by lifting your head, by releasing your hands, and lie down on your back.

4) Legs up the wall pose


  • It is easy to perform.
  • It does not put pressure on the neck.
  • Suitable for most people.
  • It is passive and helps in maintaining your balance.
  • It can balance the thyroid and relieve stress.


  • Use a mat.
  • Lie down in a supine position.
  • Use a pillow underneath your hips for support. If you are flexible, add more height to the support.
  •  Your right side should face against the wall.
  •  Lie back and lift your legs along the walls.
  • Buttocks can be right up against the wall or they can be few inches away.
  • Find out the height and distance that works for you.
  • Relax your neck and chin, do not forget to soften your throat.
  • You can keep your arms in any comfortable position.
  • Remain in this position for at least 20 minutes.
  • Push yourself away from the wall and release the pose.

5) Cat-cow pose


  • It stimulates your thyroid.
  • It also improves the blood flow in the chest and neck area.
  • It is beneficial for the circulation of spinal fluid.
  • It enhances energy.
  • It increases mental clarity.


  • Use a mat.
  • Sit in a cat position, your wrists should be under your shoulders and knees underneath your hips.
  • Try to move your weight forward, backward, and side to side.
  • Then return to the center and make sure that you have equal weight on all four points or sides.
  • Inhale and fill your belly with air and drop toward the mat.
  • Lengthen your neck and throat and look up towards the ceiling.
  • Slowly exhale and draw your navel into your spine.
  •  As you lift, tuck your chin into your chest and raise or round your spine toward the ceiling.
  • The breath should guide the movement.
  • Try to continue this flowing movement for few minutes.
  • Release by going back into the child’s pose for few moments.


  • Try to focus on your throat area as you move through this pose.

Some other recommendation 

Try out

  • Cat stretch which is also called marjari asana.
  • Bridge pose which is also called setubandh asana.
  • Corpse pose which is also called Shavasana
  • Child pose which is also called Shishu asana.

Some diet tips for hyperthyroidism

  • If you have lost weight then try to eat good unsaturated fat. 
  • Do not eat junk to gain weight.
  • Ask your doctor to make a good healthy diet chart for you to gain weight.
  • Take a low iodine diet because iodine causes hyperthyroidism symptoms.
  • Eat lentils because it has a good source of protein and fiber.
  • If hyperthyroidism is not treated then it can weaken your bones so make sure to take a good amount of calcium in your diet.

Eat healthily and practice yoga to control your thyroid hormones. Most women suffer from thyroid issues so do not worry just follow your medications and take a proper diet. Do not stress yourselves by overthinking because it will not bring any solution instead it will spoil your health even more.

Now let us discuss some questions

Frequently Asked Questions

1) What is hyperthyroidism?

Hyperthyroidism refers to overactive hormones, it occurs when your thyroid gland produces too many thyroid hormones.

2) Why hyperthyroidism is dangerous?

Ans- Hyperthyroidism can speed up the body’s metabolism, leading to weight loss and rapid or irregular heartbeat.

3) Who is prone to hyperthyroidism?

Most women are prone to hyperthyroidism and also it can be genetic. Hyperthyroidism mostly occurs after a certain age, but even newborn babies inherit this. So there is no age limit.  

4) Is hyperthyroidism curable?

You cannot cure it completely but you can control the hormone through medications and doses differ and it depends on the level of imbalance. You can also go for radioactive iodine treatment.

5) What yoga asanas or positions can be practiced for hyperthyroidism?

Practice Cat stretch, Bridge pose, Corpse pose, Child pose. 

6) What are the benefits of yoga on hyperthyroidism?

It relieves stress, improves blood circulation, balances thyroid hormone, enhances energy.

7) What diet should be taken in case of hyperthyroidism?

You can ask your doctor/nutritionist to prepare a diet chart for you, if you lose weight then eat unsaturated fat, decrease the intake of iodine, eat lentils and high fiber foods.

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