

Weight Loss: 5 Easy to Make Healthy Salad Recipes

Why weight loss is necessary?

As we all know physique and beauty are the utmost priority for every individual. It can build up confidence and also at the same time it can bring inferiority complex. Nowadays, having a proper physique is the priority and dream for most men and women. An ideal body is what everyone wishes for. For instance, most people want a flat tummy, many women desire an hourglass figure, most men desire broad shoulders, triceps overall a rough body.

Nowadays, many youngsters including adults face the issue of belly or paunch. Paunch is the result of excessive eating of simple carbs and not burning.    

As time is passing, people are getting more engaged in some of the other work. They are busy, preoccupied with their office work. Therefore, they do not get time for themselves. A busy schedule means less time for ourselves. As they have less time, most of them prefer shortcut food. Shortcut food mostly includes simple carbs or junk. These junks when not burnt results in fat which gets accumulated in different parts of the body.

Fat can deposit in the arms, waist, stomach, thighs everywhere if not controlled. But these are the most common parts which become the issue for most of them. Belly and side fat is the most common problem reported by most women. 

Fats are stubborn, it cannot break easily if not taken seriously. Hence, to burn fat one must follow a good diet and some amount of exercise to burn it. It is also very important to kill or control the appetite of junks. Fries, cold drinks, burgers, pizza all kinds of saturated fats get accumulated near your waist, stomach, thighs.

Now the question is what must be done to control the fat. There are many things that must be considered while you burn fat or maintain your ideal weight. 

To begin with, a proper diet is the most important factor that must be looked into first. Seventy percent of the weight loss depends upon diet. If you have a proper diet plan, then no one can stop you to lose fat. 

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Diet to maintain weight loss

  •  Healthy salad diet

A salad diet must cover more than half of the portion of the diet plan. Most of the people are not fond of salad. But if you stick to salad and make it a major portion of your diet, you will get to see the results soon. Many people complain that the salad diet is not tasty or filling. But if it is prepared in the right way then it can become tasty. One must know the correct recipe to make it delicious.

Here are few salad recipes which you can include in your diet plan.

Recipe- 1



  • ½ olive oil
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice  
  • ½ tbsp pepper
  • ½ garlic paste
  • Salt as per taste


  • Take a bowl 
  • Mix all these ingredients in olive oil 
  • Mix it well
  • Keep the dressing aside and use it any recipe to make it delicious


  • Heat the pan
  • Add 2 tbsp of olive oil and heat it
  • Add tofu
  • Roast it on low flame until it becomes crispy
  • Add salt and pepper accordingly
  • Mix it well 

Recipe- 2 


  • 2 cup Chickpea (soaked overnight)
  • ½ sliced onion
  • ½ sliced cucumber
  • 1 sliced tomatoes
  • Lettuce
  • Salad leaves
  • 1 pomegranate 
  • Tofu 
  • Green gram dal sprouts (soak it and then cover it in a cloth, the sprouts will grow)
  • Salad leaves
  • Salt as per your taste 


  • Soak the chickpeas overnight and boil them.
  • Take a bowl, put soaked chickpea
  • Then add onion, tomato, cucumber, 
  • Add the salad dressing
  • Mix it well
  • Now add salad leaves and lettuce and green gram dal sprouts
  • Mix it well
  • Lastly, add roasted tofu 

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Recipe- 3


  • 2 cup Green gram dal soaked
  • ½ onion chopped
  • ½ cucumber chopped
  • 1 tomato chopped
  • 1 green chilly chopped
  • 1 pomegranate
  • Handful lettuce
  • Handful salad leaves


  • Take a bow, add soaked green gram dal.
  • Add chopped onions, tomato, chilly, cucumber, pomegranate.
  • Add 1 tbsp of salad dressing.
  • Mix it well
  • Add a handful of lettuce and salad leaves.
  • Mix it well

Recipe- 4

Fruit salad recipe

  • 1 diced apple
  • 1 pomegranate
  • 2 diced kiwi
  • 1/4th diced pineapple
  • 1/4th diced papaya 
  • 2 cup Non-fat yogurt


  • Take a bowl
  • Add all the mentioned fruits
  • Add yogurt
  • Mix it well
  • Add some cashew and raisins to make it more wholesome.

Recipe- 5

  • 3 tbsp lemon juice
  • 150 grams feta cheese
  • 1 chopped onion
  • 1 watermelon
  • ½ bunch chopped coriander leaves
  • ½ bunch chopped mint
  • Black pepper according to taste


  • Take a bowl, add watermelon, onions, lemon juice.
  • Cut the feta cheese into small cubes and add.
  • Add coriander leaves, mint
  • Mix it well
  • Add black pepper 

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The above-mentioned recipes can help you to fulfill your appetite and also will reduce your appetite to eat. If you replace your meal with a salad diet then no one can stop you to lose weight. You can eat it every day for months and years. A salad diet can be followed for months and years, it will not affect. It will help you to lose weight more easily and early.

 It will provide you all the necessary vitamins, proteins, carbs, potassium, phosphorus, etc. When vegetables and fruit are taken raw, the vitamins and other necessary nutrients do not vanish or the amount and proportion do not reduce. It enters the full amount into your body when taken raw. Raw vegetables have numerous benefits. 

Some of the benefits of the salad diet

  •  It helps in losing weight if followed strictly.
  •  It makes skin glow.
  •  It provides all the necessary nutrients in a good amount.
  •  It also prevents hair fall. 
  •  It is a natural source of fiber.
  • It reduces the load on the kidney, which lowers the risk of dialysis in the future
  • It helps in building strong bones, which is very important for women. Because bones of women weaken with the passage of time also called osteoporosis. 

In conclusion, when you include a salad diet in your diet, you will be glad to see your body’s performance. It will not only provide you a lean body but also make your skin clear and glowing.

Other factors along with salad that must be taken into consideration for weight loss are- 

  • Not just salad, one must drink a good amount of water in order to stay hydrated. Drinking water reduces unnecessary fat, reduce pimples and acne, clear marks from your face, naturally glowing skin, it also reduces stress.
  •  One must also exercise or practice yoga with a salad diet. Because salad diet alone can reduce your fat but it will not tone your body or it will not give shape to your body, so for that, you must exercise.

Benefits of Exercising Along with Diet

  • As mentioned above, 70 percent of the weight loss plan is based on diet. Therefore, the rest 30 percent depends on exercise.
  • Exercise with diet will give you quick results.
  • It will boost up your mood.
  • It will make you stronger and confident.
  • It will give proper shape to your body.
  • It will tighten the muscles.
  • It prevents heart disease
  • It releases happy hormones

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Some simple dieting tips

  • Drink lukewarm water with lemon and honey every day after waking up in the morning.
  • Include raw green chilly in your diet.
  • Drink more than three liters of water every day.
  • Eat cucumber whenever hungry, this will brighten your skin and it will also help in weight loss.
  • Eat citrus fruits.
  • Eat papaya every day, papaya is one of the best fruit to lose weight.
  • Do not drink water immediately after eating a meal, wait for 30 minutes.
  • Work out four times a week.
  • Listen to music and walk whenever free, this will help you to burn calories.
  • Play your favorite rocking music and dance.
  • Reduce your alcohol intake, especially beer.
  • Drink cumin seed water early in the morning.
  • You can also include chia seeds in your diet.
  • Do not sleep immediately after eating.
  • Choose food with good fats, limit foods that are rich in saturated fat.
  • Reduce your sugar intake, less sugar will also help in getting clear skin. It maintains the glow.
  • Reduce intake of salt.
  • Choose good carbs.
  • Increase the intake of calcium.

Diet plan to follow for weight loss

You can follow this plan for months and even for a lifetime according to the result and need.

Remember, follow this diet plan strictly with exercise for better and quick results.

  • Try to wake up early in the morning
  • Once you wake up, drink lukewarm water, lemon, honey.
  •  After one or half an hour as per your routine, take a fruit diet as your breakfast.
  •  If you are working out, then drink one glass of beetroot juice and an apple before the workout.
  •  After two hours, eat any low carb diet
  •  In your lunch, eat salad. (exciting recipes are mentioned)
  • You can also eat chicken, roasted in olive oil.
  •  Eat carrots or cucumber, anything to stay full.
  • Keep drinking water every time, this will kill your appetite to eat.
  • Try to eat less at night, follow any salad recipe, and have it in your dinner.

Daily Reminders for Weight Loss 

  • Do fasting once a week for more quick results.
  • Eat soaked green gram dal and jaggery 
  • Eat less salt.
  • Avoid sugar 
  • Avoid junks completely
  • Eat more papaya 
  • Increase the intake of lemon
  • Drink warm water
  • Avoid cold water 
  • Do more sets and repetition in the gym with less weight.
  • Walk as much as you can
  • Climb stairs
  • Be consistent
  • Once or twice a month, you can have a cheat day.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Can we follow a salad diet for months?

Yes, you can. In fact, it will give a very quick result.

What are the benefits of a salad diet?

It will provide you all the nutrients, when vegetables are eaten raw, the vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients do not deplete.

Can we follow only a salad diet for weight loss?

Yes, you can follow it. But when you do exercise with a good diet, it gives the more quick results and also it tones and gives shape to your body.

What should I eat when I am hungry?

You can drink water to kill the appetite to eat. Eat cucumber or fruits. Drink fruit juices.

What are the other benefits of a salad diet other than weight loss?

It provides glowing skin, prevents hair loss, cures depression and stress, makes you confident by giving a good physique.

Does avoiding sugar and salt helps in giving quick results?

Yes, avoiding white sugar and salt provides quick results. In fact, avoiding sugar also gives clear skin. It prevents the accumulation of fat in the waist and stomach.

Does lemon juice help in weight loss?

Yes, it helps in weight loss, for getting rid of unnecessary fat, marks, scars, acne. Any citrus fruit is good for weight loss.

What kind of salad should I prefer for weight loss?

Choose low-fat carbs and low calories carbs like sprouts, lettuce, cottage cheese, and tofu, lentil, fruit salad.

Does a salad diet help in losing belly fat?

Yes, when it is dressed with olive oil it provides vitamin A. unsaturated fat helps in melting belly fat.

Can I eat protein salad for weight loss?

Yes, a protein diet helps in increasing your metabolism and reduces appetite.

What food burns belly fat fast?

Citrus fruits like lemon, green tea, yogurt, chia seeds, watermelon.

How much time does it take to lose fat?

It depends on the diet and physical workout you follow. If you follow a strict diet then you can see quick results within a month. Hence, it takes around three to six months to transform completely. 

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