
covid vaccines rumors

Covid Vaccines Rumors – Sputnik V, Covishield, Covaxin,

There is a sudden increase in Covid – 19 cases and with this increase, covid vaccines like Sputnik V, Covishield, Covaxin are also coming into effect.

But are these vaccines safe?

Is there a guarantee that once you get the vaccine then you will be completely out of danger? Let us have a look at this issue –

Are you completely safe after getting vaccinated?                                                                                        Or
Will vaccination provide long-term safety from Covid-19?

Ans. As Covid-19 vaccines have recently been developed, it is not the right time to tell its effectiveness, however, it is working correctly on few people whereas the failure rate is equally the same.

The vaccines would not give out a positive covid-19 PCR or antigen laboratory test as the test is conducted to check for the active disease and not the patient’s immunity.

To check the performance of the vaccine one should carry out an antibody(serology) test as it checks the Covid-19 immunity in the patient.

Can we stop taking precautions after getting vaccinated?

Ans. No, precautions from covid are for your as well as your loved ones’ benefit, getting vaccinated does not mean you are fully safe from coronavirus, the vaccines will guard you against serious illness and dying from coronavirus.

If you get a single dose of vaccine then your immunity will increase after 2weeks, so getting both doses are important.

It is still not proved that getting vaccinated will completely vanish the chances of getting affected by covid-19, so maintaining social distancing, hygiene and masks is a must.

covid vaccines

Types of covid vaccines

The various types of Covid -19 vaccines based on their function are –

1- mRNA vaccine

This vaccine consists of a substance from the Covid-19 causing virus, instructing our body cells to build a harmless protein unique to coronavirus. After generating a copy of the protein, they kill the genetic substance from the vaccine. This process makes our body understand that the protein is harmful and therefore starts building T-lymphocytes and B-lymphocytes that already have the idea of fighting the original Covid-19 causing virus.

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2- Protein subunit vaccines

This vaccine consists of particles(proteins) of Covid-19 causing virus rather than having the complete germ, after getting vaccinated, our system ultimately understands that this protein is dangerous and hence builds T-lymphocytes and antibodies that knows how to it ghCovid-19 if infected.

3- Vector vaccines

This vaccine has a developed version of the virus in comparison to the one causing Covid – 19, inside the body of this developed virus there is a substance from the Covid-19 causing virus, named as ‘Viral Vector’.After getting vaccinated, the genetic particles instruct our body to build protein that is specific to the Covid-19 causing virus.

With the help of these instructions, our cells build the same type of proteins, this makes our body build T-lymphocytes and B- lymphocytes that help to fight Covid -19 if infected.

covid vaccine

How does the covid vaccine work?

The main work of various Covid -19 vaccines is to leave your body with a dose of  ‘memory” T-lymphocytes and B-lymphocytes that will help your body to fight the virus in the future.

These vaccines will take a few weeks to come into effect and till then there could be a chance of getting infected with the virus as the vaccines want sufficient time to build immunity.

Symptoms like fever and body ache just after getting vaccinated can be a sign of your body building immunity.

Benefits of getting vaccinated

  • Getting vaccinated will help your body in building immunity against the Covid-19 virus.
  • It will help you from spreading the virus.
  • It will also prevent the virus from mutating and developing, and at this stage, it is very important to pause this mutation otherwise the situation will become even worse.

Some common side effects of Covid Vaccines

As per WHO, it is obvious to have side effects of the Covid-19 vaccine as our body is forced to start building immunity against a virus. These side effects will be short-term and go away with time.

Some of them are –

  • Tiredness
  • Mild fever
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Joint aches

Ques. Is taking a painkiller to decrease the side effects of the Covid-19 vaccine safe?
Ans. You should consult a doctor before taking any painkiller or other medicine to decrease the side effects of the Covid-19 vaccine as it may work adversely and make the vaccine ineffective.


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