

How to Prevent the new Corona Strain– WHO Suggestions

What is a variant or strain?

  • Changes occurred in a virus with time, affecting its composition, spreading ability, and effectiveness are said to be a variant. Corona Virus also has such strains.
  • A virus having one or two mutations is said to be a variant.

Due to the spread of the second variant of Covid – 19, WHO has laid down some steps that one must follow to prevent themselves from the virus.

Some of the basic functions involve –

  • Social Distancing – One must stay at a distance of 1metre from others to decrease the risk of infection when the person coughs or speaks. Try to stay at a distance wherever you go.
  • Wearing of masks- Carry your mask everywhere you go, even if you are out to buy daily grocery items. Store the mask in clean places as you have to use it to protect yourself from dust and virus particles.

Guidelines issued to wear a mask by the WHO are –

How to use your mask-

  • Clean your hands with soap before and after putting and taking the mask off, if soap is not available then use a sanitizer.
  • Assure that the mask is covering your nose, mouth, and chin.
  • Dispose of the ask in a trash bin and if using a fabric mask then wash it after use and store in a clean place.
  • Do not use a mask having valves.

How to create a safe environment near you in Corona?

  • Practice the 3Cs – Prevent yourself from being Closed, Crowded, and in close contact with others.
  • Try to meet people in open spaces as closed spaces have more chances of spreading the virus.
  • Wear a mask while meeting anyone who has outdoor contact.

Steps to take if you are feeling unwell during corona:

  • Cross-check the symptoms with Covid – 19 variant.
  • The common symptoms are fever, sore throat, fatigue, and body aches, some other symptoms include red eyes, diarrhea, headache, loss of taste and smell, nose congestion, etc.
  • Practice isolation – Even if you have minor symptoms of Covid – 19, try to avoid going to public places, stay at home as more as possible. In case of an emergency carry your mask and sanitizer.
  • If you are facing fever, cold/cough and difficulty breathing then consult a doctor immediately.
  • Stay alert and up to date about all the information regarding the virus.

Why does the Corona variant need more attention?

The new Corona variant –

  • It has mutations.
  • The mutations are affecting the body cells more deeply.
  • The spreading rate has increased.

WHO has taken many steps to know about these new variants of Covid – 19, researches are being carried out to know what exactly the difference between both the Covid variants is done by Virus Evolution Working Group.

So, this was all about Corona and its variant, if you want to get more details about Covid- 19 then go through the following article – Covid-19 new Strain Symptoms.

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