

COVID 19 Symptoms: Is Sneezing one of them??

For more than a year now the whole world is suffering from this covid – 19 issue, every single patient is seen to have slightly different symptoms than others.

Here in this article we will ponder on one of such symptom that is Cold ( mainly sneezing) and tell you whether sneezing is a symptom of Covid -19 or not?

What is Covid-19?

If there’s one thing that all of us, from everywhere around the world, can agree upon is how the year 2020 has been so unexpected in the weirdest way that none of us could have ever imagined. With the onset of the new virus originating from China called Covid-19, the lives of people around the world changed. It is an infectious disease that is caused by the newly discovered coronavirus. This virus infects your respiratory tract and the infected people could experience mild to moderate respiratory illness.

Symptoms of Covid-19

These are some of the common symptoms for Covid-19

  1. Fever
    • This includes high body temperature
    • Usually, this low-grade fever increases the body temperature very gradually
  2. Fatigue 
    • Recurring body aches which limit the body’s usual level of physical activity
    • This may prolong even after the patient has recovered from the virus
  3. Dry Cough
    • Gets severe with time and causes inflammation and irritation in the throat

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Some less common but newly discovered symptoms of Covid-19 are

  1. Loss of taste and smell – Patients have lost their sense of smell or the ability to distinguish between different tastes. This is usually short-term but can affect your appetite
  2. Diarrhea, vomiting, and such gastrointestinal symptoms
  3. Nasal congestion
  4. Pain in joints and/or muscles
  5. Dizziness and chills – These can occur randomly throughout the day and you may feel unwell
  6. Fingers and toes getting discolored

Symptoms that require immediate medical attention and can be a sign of severe Covid-19 infection are

  1. Lips and face turning blue- This can be caused by the reduced amount of supplied oxygen
  2. The feeling of continuous pressure in the chest- This can be due to continuous coughing or because your lungs are inflamed or infected. This can also be a sign of pneumonia, which is one of the complications of the Corona virus.
    The chest pain may feel like a general soreness in your chest or you might experience it while attempting to take deep breaths
  3. New confusion- This includes the mental symptoms of Covid-19 and can include tremors, dementia, involuntary twitching, and gradual loss of consciousness
  4. Continuous drowsiness or dizziness
  5. Trouble inhaling and breathing

Do’s and Dont’s of Covid – 19

There are some basic prevention techniques that we can use as precautions against the coronavirus such as:

  1. Clean your hands at regular intervals throughout the day using either soap or an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
  2. Always wear a mask or a face covering when going out of the house or when near anyone else in public.
  3. Maintain a decent distance from other people while in public, especially from someone who might be coughing or sneezing.
  4. If you feel that you might have any symptoms of the coronavirus such as fever, cough, or fatigue, then strictly stay at home and do not come in contact with anyone else to stop the spread of the disease.
  5. Avoid touching your eyes, mouth, and nose with your hands as they touch many surfaces that might be infected.
  6. Cover your mouth and nose while sneezing or coughing.


Ques. What happens to people who are tested positive for the coronavirus?
Ans. 80% of patients have been shown to have recovered from the illness without requiring hospital treatment although complications such as respiratory failure, septic shock, etc can lead to death.

Ques. When is the right time to get tested for coronavirus?
Ans. If you feel that you are experiencing any of the symptoms or that you have come in contact with another covid-19 infected person, you should get tested as soon as possible. While waiting for the results or after having tested positive with mild symptoms, stay at home for 14 days and do not come in contact with anyone else.

Ques. When should I get admitted to the hospital?
Ans. If you notice any of the severe symptoms such as loss of breath, chest pain, or bluish lips, seek help from your medical provider immediately.

Ques. Are there any long-lasting effects of Covid-19 after having recovered?
Ans. Some patients who have recovered from covid-19 continue to experience symptoms such as fatigue, coughing, loss of taste and smell, breathlessness, and certain neurological symptoms.

Ques. What tests are available for Covid-19?
Ans. PCR and Rapid Antigen tests are available to test for covid-19. The rapid antigen test is cheaper than PCR and is done by collecting a swab from the throat and/or nose, these are relatively less accurate but give the results much quicker.

Ques. Is there any difference between quarantine and isolation?
Ans. Yes, they are both different. Quarantine should be practiced by anyone who has come in contact with a covid-19 positive person and it includes staying at home or in a medical facility for 14 days regardless of whether you are experiencing any symptoms or not. Isolation is for people who have tested positive and/or have symptoms for covid-19 and it ideally includes staying at a medical facility for a minimum of 10 days.

Ques. What’s the difference between covid-19 and the common cold?
Ans. Although they are both contagious respiratory illnesses, they are caused by different viruses. Coronavirus is also known to cause more serious results in the suffering patients and can spread easily.

Ques. Is runny nose a symptom of coronavirus?
Ans. Yes, a runny nose is a symptom of coronavirus although it is not a common symptom.

Ques. Can someone have covid-19 without a fever?
Ans. Although 55.5% of the covid-19 patients suffer from a fever, it is not a necessary symptom and a lot of patients show an entirely different set of symptoms for the disease.

Ques. Is there a way to find out that I had coronavirus in the past but it went undetected and healed by itself?
Ans. Yes, the serological tests work on the principle of testing for antibodies which was produced as a response to a disease, it can be used to detect if an individual had the disease in the past.

Ques. Can antibiotics be used to treat covid-19?
Ans. No, antibiotics only work on bacterial infections whereas covid-19 is a virus infection and they should not be used as a prevention or treatment of coronavirus.

So this was all about Covid – 19, we hope we have shared all the required information.
If you want us to write on some more aspects of Covid – 19, then please do comment down below.

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